SemSim, The SEMantic SIMilarity Framework

Getting Started
User guide

Welcome to the SemSim project, a Similarity measure framework designed to calculate the similarity between the resources in an Ontology.
Based on the Spring framework and Jena Semantic API, it offers a set of similarities measures that you can use and compose to achieve semantic similarity measures and neighborhood calculation. It also offers a plugin for storing similarities in a relational database.


We're proud to announce the release of SemSim 0.8.0,
the first release of the semantic similarity framework that may allow you to build personalized services.
Last changed: May 24, 2008 14:03 by Amokrane Belloui

User's Guide

The user's guide shows the basic steps needed to get SemSim running.
These pages show how to get started with SemSim, from the definition of your semantic repository to the usage of the API, though the general configuration and the similarity measures configuration.

Developer's Guide

Learn how to extend SemSim by building custom similarity measures.